BMC has been hosting English enrichment workshops for a few Thai secondary schools for over a decade.

If you are a representative of a Thai secondary school and your school will be visiting Singapore as part of your school’s educational programme, BMC offers a short English enrichment programme that is not only communicative but also highly engaging for your students.

Each workshop is limited to 20 students for it to be productive.

With our dedicated and highly articulate English teachers, your workshop can never be dull.

What’s more our fees are highly competitive and value for money.

Let us make your students’ visit to Singapore fulfilling and memorable. Write to for a free quote.

Student-centred activities

  • Pair work
  • Group work
  • Class Presentation
  • Collages
  • Walking Gallery
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Waiver of $50 Registration Fee is Not Entitled for Short Courses

Pre-register with us to receive a waiver of $50 Registration Fee when you decide to enrol. This offer is only valid for online pre-registration.

This pre-registration is applicable only to Singapore citizens, PRs and valid pass holders.
Not applicable to subsidies enrolment
(SDF/WDA, NTUC, Mendaki, CDAC, CDC).

Personal Details:

Contact Information:


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