This qualification Diploma in Nursing Aide recognises the graduate’s capacity for initiative and judgement across a broad range of technical and management functions. Diploma holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy in performing technical operations or organising others in the workplace.

Working as a nursing aide, you can expect a varied and rewarding career. You will operate under the direction of nurses and patient support services managers to undertake a wide range of tasks that support patient care. This could include transporting patients to procedures and appointments, preparing food and making sure the care environment is clean.

Admission Requirements


  • Candidate with Minimum 2 GCE O level passes English is a Must (or) equivalent foreign qualifications.
  • Mature candidates (minimum 30 years old with 8 years of working experience) with NITEC or minimum 1 GCE O level pass or 2 GCE N level passes.


Students entering the programme whose first language is not English or students who’s medium of instruction on their qualifying programme was not English will be required to demonstrate a proficiency in English to IELTS 5.0 or pass in BMC English entry test.

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Module Synopsis

  • Module 1: DNA01 Introduction to Health and Wellness
  • Module 2: DNA02:  Rehabilitation  Nursing
  • Module 3: DNA03: Community Nursing
  • Module 4: DNA04: Community Support Services
  • Module 5: DNA05:  Medical Terminology
  • Module 6: DNA06:  Maintain Patient Records
  • Module 7: DNA 07:  Maintaining Workplace Safety
  • Module 8: DNA 08: Confidentiality & Privacy in a Medical Environment
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  • 8 Months


  • 12 Months
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Mode of Delivery

Students can achieve the guided learning hours in combination of face-to-face classroom interactions, self-study and group study as well as research work. They will be required to attend a certain number of lecture hours to support their studies, and will receive guidance to complete the learning hours.

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Award Criteria

Upon completion of all 8 modules the Diploma in Nursing Aide Certification will be awarded by BMC International College. The student must achieve atleast 90% (full-time) or 75% (part-time) attendance requirement per module.

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Mode of Assessment, Weighting, and Grading Criteria

All modules assessment is Examination and assignment based. Students are given assignment questions and must write examination at end of each module

Assessment Allocation
Examination 60%
Assignment 40%
Content 40%
Application 30%
Supporting Data 20%
Style and Language 10%
Total Marks 100%

Grades are awarded according to the following criteria

Marks Grade
80 and above Distinction
60-79 Merit
40-59 Pass
0-39 Fail
Abs Absent

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Assessment Information

Assessment of students’ work will be carried out by a range of methods including essay examination, work assessment or assignment. Students’ work will be measured against the specified learning outcomes and assessment criteria of each unit. Mark schemes are provided for each unit and grading criteria are set out below to assist assessors in allocating marks.

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Expected date of release of Assessment result/Appeal

Assessment results will be available to the students within 3 months upon completion of the last assessment for that assessment cycle. Appeal (if any) on assessment results must be lodged within 7 days after the release of assessment results.

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Specimen Certificate

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1st Payment$886.53$635.54
2nd to 8th Payment$778.55$527.53
TOTAL FEE:$6336.38 S$4,328.25

1st Payment$585.50$499.18
2nd to 12th Payment$477.50$391.18
TOTAL FEE:$5,838.00 S$4,802.16


  1. All fees are subject to the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST) unless specified otherwise.
  2. Course Application Fee is NOT REFUNDABLE.
  3. Do not pay your school fees before you have signed the standard student contract.
  4. All fees quoted are in Singapore Dollar (S$).
  5. Fees are subject to periodic changes without prior notice.
  6. BMC accepts the following methods of payment:
    1. Cash
    2. Cashier’s order payable to BMC International College Pte Ltd
    3. Cheque payable to BMC International College Pte Ltd
    4. PAYNOW (UEN 200006772H)

Account Number 0418-100-3773


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