Internal Appeal Procedure

BMC follows internal appeal procedure for the assessments conducted internally.Internal Appeal Procedure & Form
An appeal should be lodged, within 7 days of release of results. Students are expected to complete the “Student Appeal Form” which is available at the reception counter. There will be a $218.00 fees for Internal Appeal request.Appeal Application
The completed form (together with payment) should be submitted to a Customer Service Executive (CSE) at the reception counter who will acknowledge receipt by signing on the form.Appeal Application
The form is sent to the respective programme manager on the same day or the next working day. Programme manager completes the form and forwards it to Examinations Board if applicable.Appeal Application
Examinations Board forms an Appeal panel. The panel includes Examination Board member(s) and SME. The marker or examiner will not be a member of the appeals panel.Appointment of Appeal

The appeal panel’s decision is endorsed by the Examination Board member(s). The appeal results are released to the student through the respective department. Internal appeal needs to be completed within 15 days of appeals submission date.Appeal Results

External Appeal Procedure

BMC follows the external appeal procedure for the assessments conducted by external awarding bodies according to their instructions.Internal Appeal

Procedure & Form
An appeal should be lodged within 7 days of release of results. Students are expected to complete the “Student Appeal Form”, which is available at the reception counter.Appeal Application
The completed form (together with payment) should be submitted to a Customer Service Executive (CSE) at the reception counter who will acknowledge receipt by signing on the form.

Appeal Application
The form is sent to the respective programme manager on the same day or the next working day. Programme manager completes the form and forwards it to the external academic partner.Appeal Application
The Examinations Board is notified by the Programme Manager/Head of Department regarding the appeal.
Once the appeal result is received by the programme manager from the external academic partner, it is forwarded to the Examinations Board for endorsement. Then, the student is informed of the outcome.Document/ Proof of Sending Appeal to External Partner
Appeal to the external awarding body will be released between 4-6 weeks of appeals submission date.Release of Appeal Result
AEB uses the moderation reports sent by PMs or external awarding bodies in the annual review along with the assessment report for continual improvement.Review Report
Appeal procedure is reviewed annually for continual improvementReview Report, Minutes of Meeting
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